Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Target's Long A** Receipt

I love Target.  I am a dedicated Target shopper and I always have been.  Target is a company that makes an effort to give back to the community and be environmentally responsible.  Obviously, they have room for improvement but I applaud their efforts.  I also love Target because I am familiar with their products and the layout of their stores.  I don't like shopping, so knowing what and where things are is paramount. 

I had to make a big grocery run about six weeks ago and was delighted that they didn't hand me a pile of coupons that I don't want along with my receipt.  I think coupons are stupid by the way.  Either have it on sale or don't.  I like saving money but I've never wrestled with a bunch of small pieces of paper to do so.  I'm a thrifty gal, but jeez.  My delight over not being forced coupons was quickly overshadowed by the long freaking receipt they gave me.  Target has never competed in the receipt Olympics but this receipt was destined to be a contender in Receipt Wars for sure.   You can read the post about Receipt Wars here.

I think there was some extraordinary promotion going on or maybe a glitch in their computers the day I made the grocery run.  I haven't had a receipt nearly as long since and I'm happy to report that I'm still not getting non-consensual coupons stuffed into my grubby mitts at the end of my transaction.  The Target receipt (that identified as a CVS receipt), was for 41 items and measured in at a whopping 30.25 inches!  That's nuts pants but makes for a funny blog post.

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