I really can't talk about body lotion without first giving a nod to The Silence of the Lambs...
Now that Buffalo Bill is happy, let's discuss Burt's Bees body lotion. The story begins with farts at work. Yes, FARTS. I work in an area of the office where I sit close to one other person, we'll call her Martha. Martha and I are comfortable enough with one another to not be ashamed when we have to let one go. Most farts don't smell too much and it's usually fine. For those moments when the olfactory is offended, Martha and I have made a habit of giving a spritz of coconut that she has at her desk. She can spritz when she offends and when I am the offender, I just say "I need a spritz," and she is on it like...Stink on a fart? Our coworker, who works in an area close by, seems to have a keen sense of smell and has the terrible luck of always coming around when a cloud of shame and coconut is lingering in the air. We'll call this coworker Sara. Sara always comes around at the smelliest times and she has dubbed the fragrance "coconut butt." Regrettably, I must admit that it isn't terribly infrequent that she walks by and announces "it stinks like coconut butt again!"
The first day I brought the new lotion to the office, Martha was away and I don't spritz coconut when it's just me. I'm fine sitting in my own stink cloud. I have a terrible sense of smell and it doesn't bother me. It was early in the day and I had not let a single boof thus far. I had, however, used a tiny bit of the lotion each time I washed my hands. My hands get dry easy in the winter and my skin will crack or get itchy because I'm a pretty princess. I had a different coworker, we'll call her Laura, working in my area that day. Sara walked by and says "coconut butt already?!?!?" I told her that there was no coconut butt to speak of. She insisted she could smell it. I asked Laura if she smelled it and her response was "what the heck is coconut butt?" I explained to her what it was and she thought it was rather funny.
I pondered for a while what the deal was and after I had washed my hands again, I used a little bit of the lotion and continued to work. That's when Laura says that she could smell it too. "It's the lotion!" she said. "No, it isn't" I insisted. I really couldn't smell it. I took it over to Sara and had her give it a sniff. "That's it!" she said. Mystery solved.
The moral of the story is that this lotion smells ever so faintly like coconut. If you regularly fart in your work area and cover it up with coconut spray, people may just think you are farting more than usual.
I really like the lotion. It doesn't smell very much and it keeps my skin hydrated and healthy. It does cost quite a bit more than regular lotion but it is made from natural ingredients and I like to patronize companies that I think have good products and practices. Sadly, this is not one of the items accepted through Terracycle's free recycling programs, but it can be recycled. Make sure it is empty, clean, and dry before recycling.
Next time you need to rubs the lotion on your skin, give Burt's Bees a try!
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