Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year, New Schedule

It's a new year and I'm creating a new schedule for the blog!  It's evolving and I'm getting into my groove with ideas and suggestions.  Thanks to everyone who has been reading!

The first of each month will feature a Reader Challenge.  The Reader Challenge is a simple change that anyone can make that is easy and will make a difference.  If you give the challenge a try, let me know how it worked out for you.  I'll also accept challenges that readers suggest, so if you have an idea or a product you want me to try, let me know.

The last Wednesday of each month will feature something new called What the F*ck Wednesday.  What the F*ck Wednesday is a chance for me to rant.  I don't intend for my regular posts to be a rant or come off as preachy, so What the F*ck Wednesday is a chance for me to speak my mind and b*tch a little bit.  If you have a rant or a rant suggestion, email me and let me know!  I'm happy to share reader rants and they can be anonymous if you like.  

The day to day schedule will be as follows:

SundaySeasonal Sunday.  Seasonal Sunday will cover things that are relevant to the season.  I'll start of the year with organization and how to reduce your belongings to live a simpler, more fulfilling life.  Spring will cover tips and suggestions for gardening and so on and so forth.

Monday:  Monday is a regular post day.

Tuesday: Regular readers may have noticed that Tuesdays have become the day that features Slow Clap Presents.  Slow Clap Presents is a piece that covers man-made disasters, wastefulness, and/or stupidity.

Wednesday:  Wednesday is a regular post day and the Weekly Weigh In.  Each week I post where my family is at with trash and recycling.  At the end of each month, I post a total for our trash and I'll do the same at the end of the year.

Thursday:  Thursday is a regular post day.

FridayDear Betty is a feature for Fridays.  I answer reader questions, take reader suggestions or feature reader comments.  I've also started posting emails that I've sent to companies and their response (or lack thereof.)  

Saturday:  Saturdays will remain Satirical Saturday.  Satirical Saturday is intended to make you take a step back and laugh at life.  These posts are total bullsh!t and are meant to make you think.  It may be a "celebrity" guest blog, a new form of waste management, or a new product from Mama Betty's.  

You can email me at Mrs.Stebber@gmail.com

You can follow me on Twitter at @BStebber

You can find me on Facebook at What the Waste? @BStebber

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