Thursday, May 23, 2019

Burt's Bees Face Spooge Some More

I think the title is a bit more creative than if I had just called it Burt's Bees Face Spooge 2.  This is why you read my blog and not other "bland" blogs.  You're welcome.

If you would like to refresh your memory on the original face spooge post click here.

Burt's Bees Soap Bark and Chamomile Deep Cleansing Cream is something new that I decided to try when we ran out of the facial scrub that we tried before.  My reason in trying something different was the price since the cleansing cream is just a bit cheaper.  I wouldn't be buying either of these products if I wasn't part of the free recycling program for Burt's Bees products through TerraCycle.

I really like the soap bark and chamomile deep cleansing cream.  It has a really refreshing scent and it does what its intended purpose is, it cleans my face.  I usually use my charcoal bar on my face but I like to use what I buy for the handsome husband from time to time.  Handsome Husband agrees that this cleansing cream is quite nice but he doesn't like it as much as the scrub that I had bought for him the last time. The element of him desiring a scrub eluded me when I was at the store.  

Arbitrary thoughts: I don't feel like we can discuss chamomile without giving credit where credit is due. Credit must be given to The Lonely Island for their epic lyric from the song The Heist 'Yo, have this cup of tea Man you'll never see those magazines. This tea is delicious, what'd you say it was?  Chamomile, muthafucka.'  I just can't say or think about chamomile with having to think 'chamomile muthafucka.'  If you aren't completely bored or appalled, you can listen to The Heist here.  You're welcome, again.

Burt's Bees Soap Bark and Chamomile deep cleansing cream.

The Lonely Island team, Andy Samberg and those other two guys.

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