Real Story. Real Stupid.
If you have children in your home you no doubt have a Squishy or two tucked under a bed or in some deep dark corner of a closet. I don't have any at my house but that's only because I am cheap and mean and relish in saying "no" to my kids. I decided to check into Squishies after being forced against my will to buy one as part of a birthday present for a party my daughter was attending. I can poke fun of a lot of toys but this toy is truly terrible in all regards. If you do have Squishies, you should throw them away because they are absolutely toxic. You don't have to take my word for it, that's coming from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and they feel so strongly about it that Squishies are now banned in Denmark by the government but I'll get to that at the end.
Squishies, a descendant of the stress ball originated in Japan where they are known as Kawaii. They became popular through social media and now they are a must have hot item for kids in the United States. Squishies come in a wide variety of shapes such as characters, ordinary household items, fruit, dessert, other food, animals, and animals with food. The most coveted of the Squishies is the Slow Rise Squishy which, as the name suggests, rises back to shape slowly which correlates to maximum satisfaction in children.
Parents who really love their child (or parents who want to expose their child to the most toxins possible) can sign their little one up for Club Squishy Surprise. For only 29 dollars per month, your child will receive up to 5 Squishies for their subscription each month.
Squishies are made from polyurethane foam. That's right, polyurethane, the same kind that you are thinking of, only this is an open cell version that creates a foam type material. Is that really what you want your children playing with?
The Danish study found toxins in all of the Squishies that it tested. What toxins you ask? Dimethylformamide, xylene, and methylene chloride. Dimethylformamide is a chemical solvent used in the production of acrylic fibers and plastics. It is a potent liver toxin. Xylene is also a chemical solvent that is used in the production of plastic. Xylene is sweet smelling and highly flammable. Methylene chloride is another chemical solvent commonly used in paint thinner. It has been linked to cancer, cognitive impairment, and asphyxiation. These toxins are linked to cancer, reproductive problems, and liver and nervous system damage.
In addition to the toxins and obvious health risks, Squishies are plastic and will never decompose. Every Squishy you buy will be around forever and a day.
My two cents: This toy is really appealing to kids but it is bad for them and bad for the environment. You can't take for granted that the things on the shelf at the stores are safe for your family. Don't be a mindless consumer, educate yourself and demand change by not buying products like this. When there is no demand, there is no supply. Remember that shopping is voting and it is a very powerful tool in changing the world.
Rating: I give Squishies 3 out of 5 possible slow slaps. Squishies are novelty toys that serve no purpose and need not exist. Remember that every Squishy you spend your hard earned money on will ultimately end up in the garbage, but probably not until long after the toxic chemicals have been inhaled and absorbed into your child. Don't believe me? Google 'Denmark bans Squishies.'
A Pile of Poop Squishy. WTF?
Ice Cream Bear Squishy.
Random Squishies.
Jumbo Squishy Slow Rise.
Strawberry Cake.
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