Friday, May 10, 2019

Dear Betty: Reader News 5/10/2019 Curvier's Whale

Hey Betty,
Did you see in the news that another whale died from eating plastic?  I heard it had 88 pounds of plastic in it!

Dear S,
Thanks for the heads up.  I had just heard about this but I took the time to get a little more information for any readers that didn't hear this story.
Thank you,

On March 15th, 2019, a juvenile male Curvier's Beaked Whale washed ashore on a beach in the Phillippines.  Before death, the whale is reported to have been vomiting blood.  It was emaciated and dehydrated.  The cause of death is starvation. 

Curvier's whales can live for 40 years, grow between 16 and 23 feet long, and weigh in at 5,500 pounds as an adult.  They enjoy a diet of squid and deep-sea fish. 

This whale was indeed packed full off 88 pounds of plastic.  Some of that plastic included 16 rice sacks, 4 banana plantation bags, shopping bags, garbage bags, and other plastics.

The Phillippines is the 3rd largest ocean polluter in the world.  We all need to make a change because we are all connected and we need to work together.

Curvier's Whale.

Curvier's Whale, Phillippines.

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I'd love to hear from you!

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