Sunday, May 26, 2019

Seasonal Sunday: Doggie Dooley

What should you do when Rover drops a deuce?  It's actually recommended in most areas that you pick it up and flush it down the toilet.  That's right, pick it up in toilet paper, carry it into the house, walk through the house with it to the bathroom, then just gently add it to the toilet bowl and flush.  It's just that easy!  

Your garbage company doesn't want it in the trash because of the high level of methane that comes from buried fecal matter.  Composting it isn't an option because the composting process doesn't reach a high enough temperature to kill harmful bacteria that normally exist in this type of waste.  To be clear, you can compost feces that comes from a herbivore.  So if you don't want to flush it, you can't throw it away, and you can't compost it, what should you do?  Good question.  The answer is training Rover to do his business on the toilet a mini septic tank.

Doggie Dooley is just that.  It's a mini septic tank just for Rover.  Imagine how special your fur baby will feel when he sees that you care so much about his waste!  Doggie Dooley is a small unit that is partially buried in your yard that "digests" the waste much like a regular septic tank does.  They come in a few different sizes and shapes.  Depending on the number of dogs you have and their size plus factoring for your soil, you can select the right size and shape for your needs. 

I selected the galvanized steel, model 3000, for our home.  It is recommended for up to 4 small dogs or 2 large dogs.  We currently have a 6 pound Yorkie named Pixel who is quite eager to try our his new Doggie Dooley.  Once Handsome Husband gets it installed and Pixel gets to work on his contribution I'll write an honest review and let you know how it works for us.  I paid for our Doggie Dooley and am in no way compensated for my review.

Arbitrary thoughts:  I love that the logo is a dog smoking a pipe and reading the paper while he takes care of business.  I appreciate the humor of the artist that designed such a fine logo.

Pixel can't wait to try out his very own Doggie Dooley.

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