Wednesday, March 27, 2019

WTF Wednesday: You are Easily Offended Because You are Weak

I watch everything on Netflix.  I recently enjoyed watching F Is For Family and discovered the comedian Bill Burr.  When I hit a point where I didn't know what to watch next, I decided to check out some Bill Burr stand up.  He has a few stand up specials on Netflix and they are humorous in a very non-apologetic sort of way.  I admire his ability to say what's on his mind and not give a sh!t if it bothers you.  He said something that got me thinking in my usual deep ruminating sort of way.  I don't recall his exact words but he was talking about how we live in a hypersensitive time and everything you say has the potential to offend someone.  He said something along the lines of "if what I'm saying offends you, it's because you are weak."

A light bulb went off in my brain and I've spent an abundance of time milling this very idea over, and over, and over.  I've decided that he is right.  Here's why.

We live in a time that demands acceptance yet simultaneously crucifies anyone who dares to express their opinion or thoughts on just about any topic.  It has to be a hard time to be a comedian!  If you say the slightest thing that can be taken offense to, you are dragged through the mud and your career is probably over.  If you made a joke twenty years ago that wasn't taboo at the time but has become taboo, you are screwed if it surfaces.  If you were in a high school play and appeared in blackface during a time when that was acceptable, you are really f*cked when people dig that out.  If you made a homophobic joke or dropped the N-word in any way and that comes back to bite you, you might as well stick a fork in yourself because you are done.

Let me be clear, it's not okay to drop the N-word, make fun of races, make fun of trans people, or gay people in a hateful way.  When you are a closed minded bigot, you don't get to spew your hate all over the place.  

What I'm getting at is there are so many things that go into the mix, it isn't just a black and white issue.  Times change and things that were once okay may no longer be the accepted norm.  People are also allowed to have opinions that you may not like or agree with.  

I was talking to a person close to me who is bisexual about another person who is close to me that is rather homophobic.  The bisexual person made a wise and interesting statement.  The bisexual person said, "that person is allowed to be homophobic,  as long as they aren't mean about it."  What a mature point of view.  You don't have to embrace or accept anything you don't want to, you are allowed to have your own thoughts and opinions, so long as you don't treat anyone with anything less than respect.  

I believe that life is better when you can laugh at yourself and others.  I am a very open-minded person.  I believe that you should be able to love and marry the person that is right for you.  I support whatever your gender identity is or whatever your sexual orientation is.   I believe that all people are equal regardless of race, orientation, religion (or lack thereof), identity, or status.  I also believe that life is just a little bit more enjoyable when we can all take a step back and laugh at ourselves.  I poke fun of everything I can in life, including myself.  Laughter is the best medicine and what better material than us, human beings, doing what we do. 

Getting back to Bill Burr, when every little thing offends or upsets you, you are weak.  When you are confident in yourself and your own beliefs, you rarely get offended.  It's when you are weak that you can't accept that others have a different perception of things.  Strong people accept differences and opinions.  Strong people can laugh at something and know that it isn't meant to be offensive.  Strong people remember that today's standards shouldn't apply to phrases or actions from many years ago.  Strong minded people don't have the need for everyone to accept them or like them.  I am who I am and I don't give a sh!t if you like it or not.

Are you weak or are you strong?

Funny bald man, Bill Burr

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