Dear BIC,
I write a zero waste, environmental blog. I'm wondering why you don't have recycling and/or reuse options for your "disposable" lighters. Have you considered pairing up with TerraCycle or another company to do just that? Between 1973 and 2013, you sold over 30 billion lighters that have gone into landfills and water systems. How is that level of pollution ethical? It is estimated that over a million sea birds die annually as a direct result of plastic pollution, your lighters are a contributing factor. Would you please consider a more sustainable and responsible product?
Thank you,
My two cents: BIC did not extend me the courtesy of a reply despite emailing them twice. Even Walgreen's and Walmart were courteous enough to extend me a generic response. I'm pretty sure BIC doesn't want to comment since there isn't much they can say. Their product is polluting the planet and that is how they make their money. Also, I have a new blog that intimidates no one. They don't have to give me a response if they don't feel like it. I did find it perhaps a tad ironic that they have a line of special edition lighters by Guy Harvey. Guy Harvey is a marine artist. Nice touch BIC.
For the outdoor enthusiast who cares about marine life.
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