Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Weekly Weigh In 11/7/18

A new month means a new weigh-in has begun!  Is anyone else excited about it or just me?  I'm extra excited for weigh-ins this month since I've recently started recycling soft plastic by dropping it off at Target and Lunds.  The first step is to reduce the amount of plastic that you buy in the first place, but recycling what you have is a great second step.  I'll have a post soon explaining what bags and soft plastic can be dropped off for recycling. 

Now for the weigh-in.  This week the handsome husband rolled out the recycling bin that was about half full and one bag of garbage.  The recycling is big progress for us.  We used to have it overflowing each time it was picked up and sometimes it didn't all fit in the bin and had to wait two weeks for the next pick up.  Small steps make big strides!!!  

How did you weigh in this week?

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