Monday, November 5, 2018

Rub a Dub Dub Thanks for the...Bar Soap?

Bar soap is something you see at Grandma’s house.  It’s most likely Ivory and it dries out your skin and you feel like it is going to crack open if you move too fast.  The soap is terrible for your skin and you get that strange soap scum in your shower. Body wash changed all that and by all means is the gentrification of bar soap, except for one thing.  The plastic container. Yes, you can recycle it but there is a limit to the volume of recycling we can handle and you know from reading this hilarious and informative blog that plastic can only be recycled so many times before it gets buried in the giant hole in the ground we call a landfill.  One could argue that a full hole is a happy hole, but not so much when we are talking about trash. I decided to seek out a better option and I was rewarded in my noble soapy quest. I wanted a bar soap that didn’t smell bad or too strong, and I wanted zero plastic in the packaging. Love Beauty and Planet bar soap fit the bill.  I found it at Target for only 325.95 Rubles or $4.99 US. It is a nice smelling soap that isn’t too strong. It makes a nice lather and leaves your skin feeling clean and refreshed. It does not leave any residue in the shower. The soap itself is wrapped in recycled paper that is not recyclable at this time, but I toss it into our burn can where it can await a fiery death and cease to exist.  Bar soap is cheaper and saves you money because it seems to last forever. Love Beauty and Planet care about their products and the planet and I give them two thumbs up for being awesome on a Monday.

***Update: This bar lasted me until February 7th, 2019.

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