Friday, November 30, 2018

Dear Betty: Reader Comment 11/30/18

Dear Betty,
You talk a lot about compost and I wanted to share my method with you.  I don't like to mix everything in the same compost bin and use it in my garden.  I have one compost bin for yard waste, paper, tissues, napkins, dryer lint, stuff from the vacuum, and the like.  I only use that compost on my yard.  My other compost is just for food scraps from the kitchen that I use on my garden after it breaks down.  I feel like this method is better for my garden.  Thanks!

Thanks for sharing your compost method!  I personally mix it all together. It is recommended to mix it to help it break down faster and keep things from getting smelly.  There is certainly more than one way to compost.  The important thing is that you are composting!  It is estimated that 20 percent of what goes into landfills in America is food waste.  When food goes into the landfill it doesn't break down like it does in compost, this is due to the anaerobic environment.  The food sits there until it eventually breaks down to a certain degree and this process leads to methane gas.  If every household composted it would make a huge difference.


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