Sunday, December 9, 2018

Stebber Holiday Traditions: Ornament Sweatshop

Holiday traditions are very important in our home.  The holidays are a special time and a big reason is the handful of traditions that we have.  One of those traditions is painting ornaments. Every year I go to Michael’s and pick out plaster Christmas ornaments for the kids to paint.  You have to get them early because they sell out fast. There is no packaging, so that is a plus. It’s my husband’s job each year to untie the ribbons to get them ready to paint.  I select 3-4 ornaments per child. Sometimes I get them each the same ones and other times I just get whatever they have and the kids split them up. Some years I give a few to the grandparents as special homemade gifts from their grandchildren.  

On painting day, we listen to holiday music and we all sit together while the kids are painting.  My husband and I help the kids. We squirt the paint, write names and the year on the backs, and do all the cleanup.  After the paint is dry, it’s my job to do the clear coat. It takes two or three coats to get a nice shine and make them really look finished and beautiful.  The clear coat is also a means of protecting the ornament since it is plaster and can easily break. After the clear coat is dry, the ribbons go back on and they are complete.  

These are my favorite ornaments.  There is something inherently beautiful in the art of children.  When each of the kids moves out of the house, I’ll give them some of their ornaments for their own Christmas tree and family to enjoy.  Most I’ll keep for my husband and I to enjoy as timeless treasures from when the kids were young. Time rushes by and these ornaments serve as a reminder of years past.

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