Friday, February 1, 2019

First of the Month Challenge: February

Reusable Utensils

February's challenge is to give up the plastic utensils.  Go through your utensil drawer and dig out an extra set or a mismatched set that found its way into your drawer.  Pick up a set for cheap in the dollar area at Target.  Go to Goodwill or Value Village and snag a set for next to nothing.  Order a set through Amazon that has a soft case to carry them in.  Get a set to keep at work and a set that stays in your purse, backpack, or car for when you want to eat on the road or want to get fast food. 

Regular readers know that plastic utensils are wasteful and unnecessary.  They are made of fossil fuel slurry plastic crap that is bad for your health, expensive, and bad for the planet.

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