Friday, October 26, 2018

Dear Betty: Reader Email 10/26/18

Dear Betty,
How can you have zero garbage bags? What are you doing with items like used tissues, hair from hair brushes, non-recyclable wrappers, meat bones, bits of rubber and so forth that break off things? Even if you got your meat wrapped in old newspapers you can't recycle that paper.


Thank you so much for your email!  Good questions.  To clarify, we don't put the garbage out unless it is close to being full or full unless there is a smell for some reason.  We are liberal with what we compost so there isn't much left that actually goes into our trash.  Used tissues and hair go in our compost, it breaks down fast and is recommended to balance out your green to brown ratio.  Keeping your ratio in check helps things break down faster without offensive odors.  Meat bones would go in the trash although this is something we almost never have.  I'm a picky baby and I don't like bones in my food.  I like to pretend that meat is just some substance that comes from the store and that they make it in the back out of recycled newspaper.  Bits of rubber or plastic that might break off things doesn't happen much but I guess if it's plastic and large enough, I would recycle it.  If it is rubber, I suppose it would go in the trash.  Our ground beef comes in a small bag and that is trash.  The chicken packaging we use is recyclable.  Other meat packaged in plastic would go in the trash, along with any wrappers that can't be recycled.

Thanks for reading,

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