Tuesday, September 11, 2018

You Must Be The Change You Wish to See in The World

Gandhi is credited with this famous quote although some argue he never actually said these words. Regardless of the origin, the message remains the same. I want to be the best human being that I can be.  I am flawed, like everyone else. I’m told I’m weird, I’m annoying, I’m a b!tch, I laugh at my own jokes too much, I’m a pain in the butt, I'm insensitive, I'm ugly.  I’m also told that I’m funny, I’m beautiful, I’m generous, I am a kind person, I’m loyal, I’m honest, and that I’m a leader. Some or all of these things may or may not be true.  What I know to be true about myself is that I care. I care so much that I started this blog to try to make a change. I see a need for change and if I can get my message to touch just one person, it’s worth it to me.  Since embarking on our journey of less waste, my kids have responded in a way I didn’t expect. I thought it would be a challenge for them but to my surprise they not only are embracing it, but they are also pushing me for what’s next and telling me that I’m not doing enough.  [Pause for epic Hallmark moment.] I made some changes at work (as mentioned in Zero Waste Work? Not Even Close) but made no mention of it to anyone at the time. My coworker noticed one of these changes and she was inspired to buy a set of silverware for work instead of the plastic “disposables.”  You might be thinking, “oh Betty, it’s just one knife, one fork, and one spoon.” Maybe it is just that. Or maybe, just maybe, one person can make a difference without saying a single word.  Actions speak louder than words my friends, and together we are capable of great things.  

You Must Be The Change You Wish to See in The World
-Mahatma Gandhi (or maybe some other guy)

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