Sunday, September 23, 2018

Subway Cares

My family likes Subway and we eat there once or twice per month.  We have been composting the sandwich wrappers for some time, so I was pretty excited to notice it now states this right on the wrapper!  Right. On. The. Wrapper!!! It’s hard to contain such excitement and I had to grab my phone for a photo opportunity right away. It’s made from 30% recycled fiber and you can recycle it (if there is no food, sauce, or grease on it) or just toss it into your kitchen compost bin.  You have a kitchen compost bin right? Well, what are you waiting for??? Some Subways even have paper bags which is awesome as long as you recycle or compost it. If your Subway still uses plastic bags, make sure to tell them you would prefer a paper bag and refuse the plastic bag, especially if you have an order that you can carry easily without a bag. You can compost your paper cup (skip the plastic top,) you have your own reusable straw, and if you skip the chips and get two cookies in a paper bag, you have an eco-friendly meal! Great job Subway, now just get rid of the chip bags, straws, and plastic drink lids!

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