Sunday, September 16, 2018

Material Girl

Madonna’s “Material Girl” was released in January of 1985.  The song brings back fond memories of riding in my parent’s maroon Buick Skylark on our way to Target.  I would be filled with excitement because I knew I’d be able to spend a lot of time in the Barbie aisle.  The Barbie aisle was especially magical because it had a large display down the entire aisle that made it look like a vaulted pink ceiling.  It was also a little girl’s paradise because the whole aisle was nothing but Barbie. There weren’t as many other options for toy dolls then. It was just Barbie.  Because it was a different time, I was able to spend most of the shopping trip in that aisle while my mother shopped. I almost never got anything during a shopping trip but it was still so much fun just to look at the Barbies and all of her clothes and furniture options.   Oh, that pink and grey Corvette! Because I almost never got anything during a regular shopping trip, it made the occasions when I did get something (birthday or Christmas) so much more enjoyable. I appreciated my things that much more and I took care of them. Well...Barbie did have several high speed crashes in her Corvette but she was wearing her seat belt and always walked away.  My brother used to take Ken’s head off and hide it in Barbie’s pink toilet but these things happen! Ken was always a good sport. I think my parents did a great job at resisting the urge to shower us with anything and everything. My brother and I learned that you don’t get everything you want and how to take care of the things you are fortunate enough to have. It doesn’t mean I don’t overindulge and spend too much or buy too much at times but I try my best.  I think people are happier and more content with less. Life is simpler with less and when you don’t have every little thing you want on a daily basis, it makes those moments of indulgence so much sweeter.

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