Sunday, September 30, 2018

Why You Should Google “Plastic Pollution”

Writing this blog takes a great deal of time.  I take time out of my already crazy busy life to work on it every single day.  It’s an enormous commitment on my part since I work full time, I have four children, and we are busy with after-school engagements as well.  When I’m not writing, I’m reading books and articles, looking for better products, or just thinking about what I should write about next. Why do I bother when I’m already busy and I have very few readers?  The answer is that I care. I feel passionate about what I’m doing and I want to get this very important message out there so people can be aware of how our trash addiction is impacting our environment and our health. I have heavily debated whether or not to post images of animals affected by plastic pollution. I ultimately decided against doing so since the images are graphic and alarming. I feel it should be a personal choice to view images that can be painful to look at.    There are seals with nets around their necks, sea turtles eating plastic bags, turtles with deformed shells with plastic rings around their middle, and rotting birds that have died of starvation because they filled their stomachs with plastic thinking it was food. Below is a drawing of a baby albatross carcass with a pile of plastic where its stomach once was. The plastic pieces will remain long after the animal is gone and will potentially harm another animal. The pictures are difficult to look at but that’s the point. I challenge you to take two minutes out of your busy day and google “plastic pollution.”

*This picture is from Life Without Plastic by Chantal Plamomdon and Jay Sinha

Albatross with baby

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